Whoever you are, girl or guy, if you have underarmodor would be kept away by friends.
What causes underarm odor? Because of the apocrine gland which is a saturated fatty acid with more liquid, thick and greasy.
How to cope with smelly armpits: In addition to practical ways by spraying perfume or give BB powder, preferably in a lot of help with drinking water and also eat ginger basil leaves, which is useful to scent the body from the inside.
Foot Odor.
Foot odor was very annoying. Especially if you're a guest to someone's home, who have homes wouldbe confused by the presence of your feet smell ... Usually foot odor is caused by bacteria that clings to the skin (sweat glands) as well as shoes, socks, and slippers.
How to cope with smelly feet: At least 2 times a week, soak your feet in warm water. Warm water itself is composed of herbs, sprinkle a little salt, then add a little tea powder, and squeeze a lime fruit. Guaranteed in 1 month, your feet are not only fragrant, smooth and clean. Also do not forget to wash your footwear ..
The smell of sweat.
The smell of sweat is the smell of human nature. However, if excessive will be very disturbing. The smell is usually the case in because "people" are too many moves, or it could also occur because of an overactive thyroid gland, being overweight (obesity) or even illness.
How to cope with the smell of sweat: Help transpiration faster with exercise in the morning, use the anti-sweat deodorant containing aluminumtetrakholorhidrek zircon, and also often do Lontoforesis, namely treatment therapy by putting hands and feet into the water, then low-voltage electricity .
Mouth odor.
If people talk to you as far as 2 meters, meaning it is a sign that you or the person's mouth odor. So note the cleanliness of your mouth! IUT mulu smellis usually caused by dry mouth, bleeding gums, and other air in the stomach.
How to overcome bad breath: Diligent Even better brush your teeth using toothpaste is mint. Also do not forget diligent gargle-gargle with drugs such as Listerine. For prevention, a type of chewing xylitol lozenge.
Hair Odor
Your hair smooth and shiny, but what the world says if it smells musty,,,? Do you know, if the hair protein composition that is the greatest in your body you, after the male sperm. Usually the hair smell caused by sweat glands in the head as well as dandruff.
How to cope with the smell of hair: Shampoo your hair every time and use anti-dandruff shampoo, and do that do not contain menthol! Doing on treatment or a cream bath, other than that use natural ingredients are aloe vera, a mix of lemon. Read More..