Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Healthy Tips Fatten Agency

big women

It difficult for obese people thin. So did the opposite that it is difficult for thin people fat. Although the body to crave fat people thin. However, for thin people that have a thin body is not beautiful, too. They are uncomfortable as hard lumps of bone in the body that sometimes makes it uncomfortable. 

Therefore, I will try to provide tips for you about how fattening the body.
The first, of course, increase the intake of food and drink. Obviously food is nutritious and mensehatkan body. Eat foods that contain carbohydrates and high protein and coupled also with drinking milk and soft-boiled eggs. 
Second, avoid foods with high fat
Third, if necessary, add also to supplement appetite enhancer for the first point can be run more easily.
Fourth, the added frequency of eating per day. No need much, as long as frequent meals. ie eat 5 times a day. Morning, at 10, at 13, o'clock, 15, at 18 even at 22. Many complete vitamin for the body's vitamin needs are met. Eat with a sense of good for your appetite increased but healthy food. And sports that do not accumulate enough so fat and to avoid diabetes.


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