Thursday, March 31, 2011

Headache And Causes

Headache is a disease that I think ever experienced by everyone, even the intensity of headache is higher than other diseases, let alone an adult, a child could not inevitable from the name is headache.

What causes headaches? why can headache occur? I was intrigued with trying to find references about the causes of headaches. Causes and types of headaches are quite a lot.

Therefore, knowing with certainty the cause and type is langkahawal to cure. Here are some types of head pain disorders are often in pain:

1. Tension headaches.
Symptoms begin with muscle tension in neck, shoulder, and skull due to emotional distress. The pain always started from the back of his head, creeping forward, then to both sides of the head.

2. Migraine headaches.
Generally, the headache that is felt more severe than headaches due to tension. Migraines always felt on one side of the head alone and often behind one eye. Then came the term "headaches." Patients with migraine in women about three times more than men. The cause is mainly due to hormonal changes.

3. Headaches with a variety of symptoms.
This disorder occurs mainly in men. Symptomsinclude unusual pain and is generally focused around the eye socket with watery eyes and runny nose.

4. Post-traumatic headaches.
It often comes as a result of an accident, although only slightly injured in the head. The pain sometimes occurs after weeks or monthsafter injury and may last up to a year after the trauma.

5. Allergy headache.
This disorder is often accompanied with symptoms of runny nose, watery eyes, and throat pain. Appearance can be caused by certain foods or anything that can cause allergies.

6. Sinus headaches.
This disorder is easily known from the symptoms. Closed one nostril or both and thepain extends to the upper cheeks and forehead. The parts are very sensitive feel so touched by it will cash pain.

In addition to the specific cause headaches, there are also headaches that arise solely as a secondary symptom of the condition of the body was not right and requires medical treatment.
The following guidelines can be used as reference to solve the headache problem, namely:
• If the headache is felt even worse in the morning rather than during the day, signs of high blood pressure.
• If the headache is accompanied by pain in the eyes, ears or teeth, indicating the occurrence of infection.
• If the headache always occurs after performing a task that relies on the sense of vision such as reading or sewing, a sign there are irregularities in the eye.
• tumors, stroke, or it may be difficult to sleep can be a cause of headache is very painfulmendadakyang. As a result, the body feels weak and accompanied by blurred vision. This headache often begins as a small and increasingly severe pain in the morning.
Examination required as soon as possible to determine the cause.
• If the headache is accompanied by fever and stiff neck, chances are you stricken with meningitis. Medical treatment is needed.
• If the headaches appear suddenly and very painful, a sign of brain arteries to rupture. It can be life threatening.

Medical management should be done immediately. The cause of headache:

1. Eye strain.
Avoid reading in the distance is too close. Rest for a few minutes while you read or work.

2. Neck tension due to work while sitting too long, for example, typing with a computer.

3. Food allergy.
Avoid eating or drinking something that is sensitive, especially before doing physical activity.

4. Hunger can also make us a headache.
Because the blood vessels will widen every time blood sugar levels down. So, as much as possible eat regularly.

5. Cold food or drinks will stimulate the nerve ends in the mouth, Though at times very intense headache, headache due to cold food usually lasts only a moment.

6. Sinus swells will compress the nerve ends, so that trigger headaches.

7. Sleep schedule change also could create headaches, such as sleeping late. regular sleep whenever possible.

8. Excessive activity sometimes trigger headaches as well. Do exercise appropriate dose. Triggers headaches during exercise, including warming of the loss, dehydration, lack of nutrients during exercise, or excessive exercise.

Hopefully useful. hopefully knowing this knowledge we can prevent headaches. let's learnto live healthy, work hard to maintain our health, because hard work is our energy.

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