Friday, April 1, 2011

Cervical Cancer

In the world of about 500 thousand women are diagnosed with cervical cancer and an average of 270,000 deaths annually, or in other words every two minutes a woman dies from cervical cancer.

While in Asia, cervical cancer is cancer in both women suffered most and more than half of Asian women who died of cervical cancer. This is equivalent to 226ribu women diagnosed withcervical cancer and 143 thousand causes of death or in other words setiap4 minutes, a woman in the
Asia Pacific region died of cervicalcancer. According to Drs. AM Puguh, SpOG, Expert Husada Gynecology Hospital of Jakarta, in Indonesia, cervical cancer is the number one most common cancersuffered by women of Indonesia. In 2001, new cases of cervical cancer than the total number of 2429 cases of cancer, so it is a rank one, namely 25.91 percent of overall cancer.

Still according to Dr. Puguh, all women who are sexually active, have an increased risk of cervical cancer or infected with early stages ofthis disease regardless of age or lifestyle. Cervical cancer is cancer that can affect women with backgrounds and different ages from all over the world. If withdrawn average, cervical cancer is often infect and kill women in the productive age of 30-50 years which at that time they still have the economic and social responsibility towards children and otherfamily members.

Cause Cervical Cancer
Generally, cervical cancer began attacking from the cervix (part of the uterus or womb) and then reach the vagina. This cancer will spread gradually if not detected early and given treatment. So what causes cancer of the cervix? The most common cause is a virus HPV (humanpapillomavirus).

There are 100 tipevirus HPV were identified and most are harmless and do not show symptoms. As many as 40 types of HPV can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. The goal is to genitals and are classified into two groups, namely the cancer-causing HPV types and low-risk HPV.
There are15 types of cancer-causing types that can lead to cervical cancer, namely HPV 16, 18, ​​45 and 31, which is responsible for more than 80 percent of cancer cases in Asia Pacificand the world.

Who is at Risk of Cervical Cancer Affected?

Every woman is at risk of contracting cervical cancer during their lives regardless of age and lifestyle. This is because HPV is a common visual acuity and easily transmitted through genital skin contact. Although in sexual intercourse, spouse of the woman was wearing a condom, but unfortunately the spread of HPV can not completely protect women from HPV infection.
Both young and adult women at risk for cervical cancer is caused by infection or recurrent infections caused by HPV causes cancer.
An estimated 50-80 percent of the girl get genital HPV infection through contacts in their lives and up to 50 percent of these infections could potentially lead to cancer. The risk has been started from the sexual contact was first made ​​by women. Most HPV infections may disappear on its own will but many were settled in the patient's body. And unlike other viruses, when a woman is infected with the HPV virus does not mean shewill have immunity against virusini.

When a woman has been exposed to HPV, it remains atrisk for recurrent infection of HPV types of the same or different and the opportunities these women develop cervical cancer becomes much greater.

So, how do I detect cervical cancer?
How to detect cervical cancer early is by doinga pap smear or IVA. This test can detect earlycervical cancer cells can be identified where changes in the cervix. As the nature of cancer in general, will not be any visible symptoms (physically) in the early stages of cervical cancer. But early detection is important to do because it can help detect cervical cancer development, although not able to prevent HPV infection.

The risk of developing cervical cancer in women who did not perform screening on a regular basis is five times higher than regular.

So, What Women Can not Prevent Occurrence of Cervical Cancer?
There is a vaccine that targets HPV types 16 and 18 that have the potential to prevent more than 70 percent of cervical cancer. The vaccine will enhance the ability of the immune system to recognize and destroy the virus when it enters the body, before forming infection. In the future, vaccination with early detection can reduce the risk of cervical cancer comparedwith early detection alone. And the key to reducing the number of early detection of abnormalities that require follow-up.

Type of Examination for Detection of cervix cancer
Someone who is infected with HPV do kadangtidak visible symptoms and are not easily observed. Then how do I detect bahwaseorang women infected with HPV that cause cervical cancer? The easiest way to find out is by cytological examination of the cervix.

This examination is very popular with the name of the Pap smear or Papanicolaou smear taken from a Greek doctor who discovered this method, namely George N. Papanicolaou. However, there are also various other methodsfor early detection of HPV infection and cervical cancer, including:

1. IVA
IVA is the abbreviation of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid. Method of examination with cervical smear or cervix with acetic acid. Then observe whether there is any abnormality suchas a white area. If there is no change in color, it can be considered no infection of the cervix. This examination can be done at the health center with a relatively cheap price. This examination can only be done for early detection. If you detect any suspicious signs, the other detection methods should be done further.

2. Pap smear
Pap smear test methods in common use a scraper or brush to remove a small sample of cervical cells or cervical. Then these cells will beanalyzed in the laboratory. This test can see ifthere is infection, inflammation, or abnormal cells. According to reports the world, with regular Pap smear tests have reduced the number of deaths from cervical cancer.

3. Thin prep method
Thin prep is more accurate than Pap smears. Ifa Pap smear only take some of the cells in thecervix or cervix, the Thin prep will inspect all parts of the cervix or uterus. Of course the result will be far more accurate and precise.

4. Colposcopy
If all test results on the previous method showed the presence of infection or anomalies, colposcopy procedure will be done by using a tool equipped with a magnifying lens to observe the infected part. The aim is to determine whether there are lesions or abnormal tissue in the cervix or cervix. If there is abnormal, a biopsy (taking a small amount of tissue from the body) is carried out and treatment for cervical cancer begin.

Prevention and Treatment of Cancer cervix
If infected with the HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus) Do not worry, because currently available a variety of treatments that can control HPV infection. Some treatments aim to turn off the cells that contain the HPV virus. Another way is bygetting rid of damaged or infected with electricsurgery, laser surgery, or cryosurgery (removethe abnormal tissue by freezing). If cervical cancer has reached the advanced stage, it is necessary to drug therapy (chemotherapy).

In some severe cases may also need to do a hysterectomy which is surgical removal of the uterus or womb in total. The aim is to remove cervical cancer cells that have been developed inthe body.

Prevention is better than cure.

Although cervical cancer is scary, but we all canprevent it. We can do many precautions beforeinfected with the HPV virus which can lead to cervical cancer.

Some practical ways that can be done in everyday life include:
*. Healthy diet.
Eating foods rich in vegetables, fruit and cerealto stimulate the immune system. For example,consuming a variety of carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, and folic acid can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

*. Avoid smoking.
Much evidence suggests the use of tobacco can increase the risk of cervical cancer.

*. Avoid sex before marriage or at a very young age (teenage years).

*. Avoid having sex during menstrual period proved to be effective to prevent and inhibit the formation and development of cervical cancer.

*. Avoid having sex with multiple sex partners (multiple partners).

*. Routinely undergo a Pap smear test. Currently, a Pap smear test can be done even at the health center at an affordable price.

*. VIA test with a cheaper cost of Pap smears. The goal for early detection of HPV infection.

*. Giving the vaccine or vaccination to prevent infection with HPV virus HPV virus.

*. Perform cleaning sex organs or vagina known as a toilet. This can be done alone or can also with the help of specialists. The goal is to clean the female sex organs of dirt and disease.

Source: Goolge SE
Editor Forced by: Ana


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